🚨 ATTENTION: The PODHacks Accelerator Q4 Promo offer Is Limited To Only 30 People and expires on September 30, 2024 @ 11pm EST - CHECK OUT ALL THE DETAILS BELOW & BOOK YOUR CALL BEFORE September 30th TO LOCK IN YOUR SPOT👇


$5k-10k per month with Print-On-Demand in 2024?

PODHacks Accelerator Q4 Promo


I Want to PERSONALLY Work With You To Help You Start, Grow Or Scale Your Own Print-On-Demand Business In 2024!



So you can spend more time with your family, boost your income and quit that 9-5 thanks to the most amazing online business model in the world

There Are Only 30 Spots Open In The PODhacks Accelerator - If This Page Is Online Right Now, Then There Are Still Spots Left...

Read This Before 

Going ANY Further

From The Desk Of Ronnie McKenzie

Queensland, Australia

If you’re anything like me, I bet you set a goal or made a resolution that 2024 was gonna be different...

🤝It would be the year you made it with your online business!

🌟 The year you made enough online that you could quit your 9-5 if you chose to!

📈 The year you had the cash and the time to make core memories with your family.

We’re 6 weeks into 2024 now…

How much closer are you to that big goal?

And if the rest of the year went the same as these last 6 weeks… would you hit your goal?

If not, it’s time to make a change.

As I’ve coached over 300 parents & 9-5ers in my PODHacks Accelerator over the last 2.5 years, I’ve seen them face the same struggles time and again:

👨‍🏫 Struggle 1: The tech set up is complicated

It takes so long to get up and running with website and ads platforms that they’re out of steam before they even start creating products

👨‍🏫 Struggle 2: The ad budget is too much

Many of my students have awesome design ideas, but don’t have the budget to test them all with Facebook ads.

I wanted to do something to fix this, so I spent 2 months deep diving into how to solve these struggles...

The answer: Etsy.

Etsy is the ultimate POD opportunity in 2024!

You take minutes to set up your account, and then you can use their ready built platform. Uploading your designs is super easy & smooth to use from a tech perspective.

Even better, you don’t need to pay for ads to get your products in front of buyers if you don't want to! There are over 90 million people shopping on Etsy - listing your products gets you in front of them! This means you can test unlimited numbers of designs - just $10 gets you 50 opportunities to find a 6 figure winner!

I’ve spent the last 2 months creating a brand curriculum that I’m SO excited to share with you

🥁 ...Introducing:

Etsy Goldseam!

It’s a brand new program track within my PODHacks Accelerator coaching program!

And to celebrate this brand new curriculum, I’ve created a very special offer!

The 3x30 Etsy GoldSeam Special!

With the 3x30 Etsy GoldSeam Special, you're not just getting coaching; you're unlocking a community, a system, resources and a guarantee designed to make your success inevitable.

Stay awesome,

Ronnie McKenzie

Cue the drumroll for...

The PODHacks Accelerator Q4 Promo!

A celebration of my brand new hot-off-the-press program track with an offer that's set to redefine the Print-On-Demand game....

Let’s break it all down.

Here's what GOING ON...

My PODhacks Accelerator Signature Program has created hundreds of client successes over the last 2.5 years.

And to celebrate the launch of my latest Etsy training, I am launching an exciting never-done-before special - here's what you'll get if you join before September 30th:

  • My curated ETSY kickstarter pack selection: 

  • *​30 proven Etsy product ideas

  • ​*30 Etsy niche ideas

  • *​30 Etsy designs

  • ​​PLUS The option to have my team help set up your Etsy store for you!!

  • ​30% OFF special discount (valid till September 30th)

  • ​30 spots only (due to the limits on my time from working personally with students)

  • ​And of course our industry-leading 4X QUADRUPLE RESULTS GUARANTEE!

Exciting? You bet! Let' dive into each of these:

You'd actually be crazy not to ;)



BEFORE I DO, Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

See What Others Have Said About Their Experience Inside the Accelerator!

"I hit $24,000 in sales in a month, $15,000 in profit." - Lou

- " I had never done POD before, didn’t know where to start"

- "I did 1060 sales in a month with no ads on Etsy!"

- "It’s a really great program, I implemented everything you taught. It’s really comprehensive and you update things frequently."

- "I love the coaching calls, you keep us accountable and we all hear from each other"

- "The community is so nice and so diverse, I miss them now I’ve completed the program!"

- "I loved the quick responses from Slack on my questions"

- "I hit $24,000 in sales in a month, $15,000 in profit. I’m making good money now with POD"



"I've sold over $20k - 400 products on Etsy and over 150 on my store" - Andria

- "I hired a VA and I’ve built a real brand"

- "I did a Q4 without coaching, and I realised I needed coaching"

- Loved the way the program is set up, it’s very detailed & structured and hits all the learning styles"

- "You give great tools like the ad tracker and phrase creator that I still use now"

- "The coaching calls are great because you call on everyone to share and ask questions and get feedback"

- "Revenue is over $20k for the year"

- "Sold over 400 products on Etsy and over 150 on Shineon so far"





🚨 One thing I LOVE about the Etsy platform is that you can easily see which products are selling - when you know how to look. 

And while I will be teaching how to do this in the Etsy GoldSeam training...

I thought - why not speed up this researh process and let me do the work for you?!

So when you join PODHacks Accelerator during the Etsy Goldseam Special Offer, you will receive 30 proven product ideas hand selected by yours truly!


There's a lot of niches out there (I have a list of over 1,000 niche ideas for POD!)  and it can be overwhelming to choose the right one...

And picking the right niche is so key to success - the reason I made $732k in 18 days was because I chose a great niche and adapted my products to resonate with those people perfectly.
So instead of wasting time trying to figure out the right niche for your business, when you join PODHacks Accelerator on the Etsy GoldSeam special offer, I will choose 30 niche ideas I think could be great options for you!


I paused before offering this one, because this is a lot of work for one person to have to create...

But then I thought - let's do it! 

The PODHacks program is here to lead the POD industry and to maximise the success of my students - and what better way to do that than to remove any and all barriers for you to move forward?!

So when you join us during the Etsy GoldSeam Special, you'll receive 30 handmade Etsy product designs!

Here's the catch though:

This offer is on a first come, first served basis.
There are only 30 slots in this special offer.

The first person to enrol will get all 30 designs. The second person to enrol will receive 29. The third will receive 28, and so on.

So run, don't walk to the application - click the green button and book your slot ASAP!

🏋️‍♀️ 30 SPOTS ONLY

But, there's a twist to this offer...

In the PODhacks Accelerator, we have two coaching calls per week with me which ensures that everyone's questions are answered...

Plus I offer personal unlimited coaching support on Slack (PODhacks Accelerator Gold Level) and done-for-you store build + brand creation + ad account connection (PODhacks Accelerator Platinum level)

So given that I work with every student on a personal level..
And to continue with the '30' theme...

The available spots for this no-brainer GoldSeam Special offer are limited to 30 people because we cannot take more than 30 people in the program right now. 

The offer is literally capped at that because I cannot physically take more people than that at once.

In other words - make sure to join ASAP and be part of the mighty thirty!


🚨 Wait - can I overdeliver?

While most people are dropping their prices, the PODhacks Accelerator prices are actually going up ⬆️

Due to our clients' incredible success and the constant addition of new modules, the PODHacks Accelerator price is set to increase.

However, with the PODHacks Accelerator Q4 Promo, you have the exclusive chance to secure your spot at a special 30% OFF rate vs. the increased price.

That will be the last chance to grab your spot before the price rises! 

A 30% discount PLUS all those amazing bonuses means this is a no-brainer offer!

don't just take our word for it...

praise from clients

Rikki - UK

Jeremy - USA

And now, let me add the secret sauce...

💎 Introducing our Quadruple Guarantee:

We're so confident in what we do at podhacks

that We're doing something that's never been done:

⏰ Time Guarantee: If you don’t hit $5k in the program after implementing it you’ll get unlimited coaching from us until you do

🤝 Accountability Guarantee: I've sold close to 8 figures of POD online and my team and I will keep you on track on a weekly basis

🌐 Community Guarantee: Join a space where values matter. At PODhacks we care about integrity and when you join you'll be in a safe space where you are understood, supported and encouraged

📊 Results Guarantee:No sales in the first 90 days? We’ll do a personalized review to break down your store, products and designs and give you guidance to get results

"Ronnie knows what he's doing. I'm blessed not to have a 9-5 anymore thank to Print-On-Demand. Thank you!"

"Made $2000 revenue so far in Print-on-Demand"
- Win: sold 90 products

- The course is way more in

-depth than others

- Ronnie can raise everyone up in the program and help them keep the motivation to keep going

- The Slack coaching was great

- Ronnie give great feedback with videos

- Made $2000 revenue so far

- There are so many tools done for me so I can get right to making money

- I saved a year at least in set up

- PODHacks lets you get going right away

 - Aimee-Marie, Texas, USA

In case it's the first time you hear of my PODhacks Accelerator signature program, I want to recap it for you:


Let’s break it all down.

Here's what you're really getting...


💵 Start, Grow & Scale to $5k-10k+/mo in <2h/Day

🤝 Leverage the PODHacks™ system to join the ranks of successful students hitting $10k-100k+ months

🌟 Your PODHACKS Accelerator Coach: 

Personal guidance from Ronnie McKenzie - aka yours truly - a POD veteran since 2014 with a track record of close to 8-figures in POD products bringing you a wealth of experience in POD design, business operations, and paid advertising.

You'll get access to My PROVEN proprietary



Perfect Niche Process™

Select the ideal niche for scalable growth.

First, we take you through our unique Perfect Niche Process of selecting the perfect niche group that scales with big groups of buyers.

So you can sell more of those viral products while making sure you don’t run out of people to sell to!

Million Dollar Products™

Discover winning products and suppliers for viral success.

Second, we teach you our proven formula to finding winning products that sell, including selecting the best print on demand suppliers.

And choosing the right winning product with scroll-stopping designs (inside Design Domination™) and phrase creation (inside Phrase Factory™) to go viral

Maximum Selling Store™

Build your online store and brand effortlessly.

Then we not only teach you how to build your own online store and build a brand, but we also offer the option to build your store for you (or do a full personalised review of your existing store if you have one) including all the apps and suppliers needed for Print On Demand success.

On top of that we create your own personal brand kit (with your logo, fonts and colour palette). This means that you completely eliminate your build time and have a POD business in a box so you can sell products FAST!

Evergreen Traffic Machine™

Master unique marketing methods for success on various platforms.

And lastly, we teach you how to market your products in a unique way that eliminates the guesswork. We give you access to the marketing methods I’ve used to run traffic to products on multiple platforms such as Facebook, Instagram & Etsy so that you can maximise the success of your marketing campaigns.

We do something that’s unheard of in the industry: we connect your ad accounts FOR YOU so you can start marketing as quickly as possible

Bulletproof Mindset™

Develop an entrepreneurial mindset for lasting success.

On top of all this, we put a big emphasis on teaching you how to think like a successful entrepreneur that allows you to think clearly, overcome obstacles and make the right decisions so you can fast track your results.

And Now - BRAND NEW FOR 2024!

The Etsy GoldSeam™ 


Gold Nugget Keywords™

Spot the right trending products so you can jump onto winners!

Learn how to find winning products by understanding HOW to use keywords properly on Etsy. With the right keywords, you can easily discover a treasure trove of 6 figure products to emulate!

Research Riches™

Find killer products that stand out and are already selling

Etsy is a gold mine because you can find out exactly how many of each product listed has sold - so you know exactly which are the winning products that can inspire your own designs!Then I'll show you how to make those designs even better and batch upload to start profiting fast!

Design Domination™

Create great designs for the creative Etsy market.

Etsy has a different “feel” than many other POD platforms - it's prettier and more creative so it’s important to create the right designs with the right "look" that will stand out in the search.

Even if you don't feel creative at all, that's no problem! Learn how I'm using both AI and simple ideas to hack the design process and create awesome product designs in minutes.

Listing Launchpad™

Master your Etsy listings to maximise sales

I'll show you how to create killer mockups, how to understand your analytics, how to optimise for winning products and also how to scale your listings with paid marketing!

What you get inside the accelerator:

  • ​Your Personalized 90-Day POD roadmap
  • ​2x live weekly coaching calls with Ronnie so you can get your questions answered
  • ​Step-By-Step Video Training Modules covering the PODhacks Method 3.0
  • ​ Step-By-Step Video Training Modules covering the NEW Etsy GoldSeam Method
  • ​​​Your personalized Weekly Progress Form to track your progress & Stay accountable & on Target
  • ​Private Members’ Community on Facebook
  • ​GOLD Level: Unlimited Coaching with Ronnie on Slack!
  • ​PLATINUM Level: Done For You Store Build & Setup + Done For You Brand Kit Creation (Colors, Logo, Fonts) + Done For You Ad Accounts Set up (unheard of in the industry)
  • ​PLATINUM LEVEL: Done With You Etsy Store Build with our Etsy Concierge!


  • ​The POD profit Calculator
  • ​1H/DAY POD™: Build Your POD Business in 1 Hour a Day Strategy (Quit My Job Blueprint)
  • ​Behind-The-Scenes of $700,000 in 18 Days
  • ​The PODHacks Etsy Business Plan™ for a clear Etsy Strategy
  • ​Crushing Niches™ - Creating Niches on Demand + 1,000+ Niche List
  • Social Media Mastery™ for brand share-ability
  • ​POD Biz In-A-Box™ - When to Hire + Who to Hire + How to Hire
  • ​7- SOP’s for Phrase Builders, Designers, Customer Service Rep
  • ​​SOP’s for Phrase Builders
  • ​SOP’s for Designers + Hiring Job Description
  • ​SOP’s for Customer Service Rep + Hiring Job Description
  • ​​The PODHacker Print on Demand Calendar™ - Specific Print on Demand Holidays to Focus On
  • ​​Weekly Business Action Plan
  • ​​Wealth Consciousness Reading List
  • ​PODHacker Toolbox™, The Best POD Suppliers List, and much more
  • ​Print on Demand + AI - To Exploding Your Output & Results with Artificial Intelligence!
  • ​Profitable Etsy Archive™ - To Diversify Your Profit 
  • ​POD Money Management™ to Optimize Your Cash Flow & Maximize Your Sales
  • Sources

That's well over $1,000 OF BONUSES... FREE!

You'd actually be crazy not to ;)


Inner Circle Members

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Check Out These Results From Other 

Funnel Mother Circle Members

Who Already Took The Leap Of Faith And Joined Us...

I'm Looking For Business Owners Who Want To...


If This sounds like You...

I Want to PERSONALLY Work With You One-On-One In Your Business To Help You Double Your Traffic, & Triple Your Current Conversions In Just Next 12 Months!

Why The Mastermind Is Pretty Much...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

What You Can Expect Inside:

  • Benefit: Our products are delivered immediately
  • Feature: Explain the benefit of your products
  • Icon: Change the icons in the settings
  • Quaterly: Mastermind toolbox meetings

*Limited Spots Remaining*

"Best Decision EVER"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, quam voluptatem distinctio, dolor aliquam quasi.- John Smith

Read This Before Going ANY further:

From The Desk Of John Smith

Boise, Idaho.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Velit euismod in pellentesque massa placerat duis. Mauris ultrices eros.

I Was Stuck...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat. 

what if people paid you big this year?

Meet Jessica,

Founder, CEO

  • Keynote Speaker at Funnel Hacking Live, 2018
  • Forbes 40 Under 40 in Business & Marketing, 2018
  • Sold a company I ran for 7 years for $1.5b, 2018
  • Launched The Rocket Accelerator, 2017
  • Joined Russell Brunson's Inner Circle, 2017
  • Selected for the ClickFunnel's Design-A-Thon, 2017 

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

See What Other Have Said About Their Experience In The Mastermind

WARNING: The Mastermind Is Limited To Only 100 People (33 People In Each Group) 92 96 Spots Already Gone

Check Out These Results From Other 


Who Already Took The Leap Of Faith And Joined Us...

But Wait there's more

🤖 I am adding 4 extra bonuses to help you master AI (Artificial Intelligence) which is one of the BEST things that ever happened to POD.

  • AI tools that will supercharge the workflow speed of your POD workflow
  • ​How to Use AI for Niche Research
  • ​How to Use AI for Phrase Building
  • ​How to Use AI for POD Designs

Who is this for?

The Etsy GoldSeam Special is for both beginners and seasoned entrepreneurs who are ready and willing to turn their Print-On-Demand dreams into reality.

Ready To Start Your POD Journey?


don't just take our word for it

praise from clients

Client Results

>> Check Out How Our Clients Have Transformed After Working With Us:

Lou Harty - Australia

Dre - USA

Heather Landals - USA

Trevor Bentley - USA

Aimee-Marie Lawson - USA

Ricardo Rosario - Australia

Here's How To Apply For Your Spot In The PODhacks Accelerator

Click the button below, fill the short application and book a slot to apply!

🕒 Deadline to Apply: September 30th at 11pm EST.

Stay awesome,


© 2024. All Rights Reserved.


[email protected]

Nambour, 4560, QLD, Australia

This site is not a part of the YouTube, Google or Facebook website; Google Inc or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by YouTube, Google or Facebook in any way. 

FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. YOUTUBE is a trademark of GOOGLE Inc.


 Ronnie's 40th x BFCM 4x40 Extravaganza?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce varius ac eros ac sodales. Donec egestas semper pulvinar. Aliquam eget enim lectus. Sed vestibulum egestas finibus. Maecenas finibus nunc nec sem imperdiet, sit amet bibendum ipsum accumsan. 

First we will get on the phone and go over what you already got...

40% OFF

- 40% off special promo discount

- 40 pre-made viral designs

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, quam voluptatem distinctio,, ratione necessitatibus vero officia iure iste similique.

- 40 spots only

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, dolor aliquam quasi nihil accusamus officiis, ratione necessitatibus vero officia iure iste similique.

Steps To Take

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, dolor aliquam quasi nihil accusamus officiis, ratione necessi ta tibus vero officia iure iste similique.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, dolor aliquam quasi nihil accusamus officiis, ratione necessi ta tibus vero officia iure iste similique.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, dolor aliquam quasi nihil accusamus officiis, ratione necessi ta tibus vero officia iure iste similique.